About Amy
Amy Trent is a long time fan of happily-ever-afters, cookies, and staying up late to write happily-ever-afters and eat cookies. She writes novels and short stories that explore identity, whimsy, and love through the lens of fairy tales and folklore. A woman, a mother, a reader, and a devoted stan of her cat, Amy can think of nothing better than an afternoon of connecting with others over books and creature comforts. Her brand is cozy; her point of view is a slow-burning ember of hope. Please head to her home page for a list of her publications.
Amy Trent never met a cookie she didn’t instalove and immediately eat. Cookies aside, Amy is mom to two amazing kiddos, married to Mr. Trent, and a hot mess of a nerd/author. She loves to escape into fairy tales and happily-ever-afters, and at the Trent home Cookie Friday is observed twice weekly.
Amy wants you to know that her children weren’t nappers and most of her writing happened between 9PM and 1AM. This probably explains the constant craving for carbs. Now that her children are older… Amy still spends many late nights writing.
Amy grew up in San Diego, CA and has a habit of writing stories about her home town in the dead of the Colorado winters she now enjoys. Amy loves art museums and has an abiding affinity for Pop Art. See her (heavily filtered) Andy Warhol inspired self portrait below. Roy Lichtenstein posters hung on the walls of her dorm room at uni. While super hero movies and SDCC were ubiquitous in Amy’s youth, Pop Art was her gateway to comic books, most all of which she read via interlibrary loan from the Pacific Beach library.
(Pop Art Selfie)
Amy is a true romantic and her passion for fairy tales is longstanding. Somewhere along the way fairy tales and women in STEM (STEAM?) got conflated. Steampunk/Gaslamp fantasy has become the home for her fairy tale romances. Princesses welding, tinkering, building, and being total bosses while simultaneously flirting with some swoony heroes makes for a lot of delicious banter. Banter, like cookies, is 100% Amy’s favorite.
Amy hopes that you enjoy escaping into her stories as much as she enjoys the escape of writing them. Please consider signing up for her newsletter. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!